
Improve Teaching, Learning, and Leading in Your District or State!
International presenter and best-selling author Dr. Donna Wilson will give your educators dynamic keynotes and professional development based on her many books and on graduate programs she has co-developed in brain-based teaching, learning, and leading. Most importantly, she will help educators enhance their classroom and school-based practice by personally modeling practical strategies she has shared with more than 75,000 educators in 35 states across the U.S. and various international sites. Her research-based professional development framework grew out of an innovative three-year Florida Department of Education project that received a prestigious Annenberg Challenge Grant Award through Florida Atlantic University.
– Donna Wilson, PhD
Dr. Wilson’s Dynamic Keynotes and Workshops
BrainSMART® Science and Strategies for Increasing Student Learning
Experience a powerful introduction to the Wilson and Conyers BrainSMART process for effective teaching. Discover how brain and student achievement research has been translated into practical principles you can apply to help all students achieve at higher levels. Leave with ideas and stragies you can apply right away. (Features principles from 60 Strategies for Increasing Student Learning)
Tools for BrainSMART Reading: Strategies for Increasing Reading Achievement
Learn how current research on the brain and reading is providing powerful insights as to how educators can help all students increase literacy achievement. In this practical workshop, research-based principles for effective reading instruction are shared and practical strategies are modeled that teachers can apply right away in their own classrooms. (Features principles from 60 Strategies for Increasing Student Learning)
Brain-Based Leading: The New Science of Leading for Results
Learn how breakthroughs in educational neuroscience and leadership effectiveness are revealing powerful insights as to how today’s teacher leaders and administrators can achieve more with less. Find out what effective leaders do differently to increase student learning. In this dynamic workshop, participants will learn practical strategies they can apply right away to make a positive impact in schools, classrooms, and in life. (Features principles from Smarter Teacher Leadership)
Here’s What Educators Are Saying About Dr. Wilson’s Presentations
“Donna’s dynamic workshops give teachers specific strategies that actually help students achieve at higher levels. This training is great! My staff loves BrainSMART.”
—Jeanne Zehr, Principal, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
“This is a powerful presentation for policy makers and education leaders who wish to improve the academic outcomes of all students by connecting research and theory to practice. We would recommend Dr. Donna Wilson for future speaking engagements, and we look forward to reading more of her work.”
—Deborah S. Adams, President, National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education
Some of Dr. Wilson’s Online Events
ASCD Webinar: Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains…Watch the webinar here.
Keynote, Jamaica, Dr. Donna Wilson…Watch the video here.
CoffeED, Marcus Conyers and Donna Wilson…Watch the YouTube video here.
Engaging Brains: Science and Strategies for Effective Teaching and Leading, Webinar for Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence…Watch the webinar here.
Dr. Donna Wilson and Dr. Marcus Conyers’ Resources on the Web
Blog: Articles, Resources, and News from the BrainSMART® Team
We Explain in Ed Week Why Brain Plasticity Should Be Taught More in the Classroom, blog post by Donna Wilson
In Ed Week, We Talk About What Policymakers Need to Know, by Donna Wilson
Positive Brains Are Smarter Brains, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on Edutopia
Metacognition: The Gift That Keeps Giving, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on Edutopia
Strategies for Getting and Keeping the Brain’s Attention, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on Edutopia
Training the Brain to Listen: A Practical Strategy for Student Learning and Classroom Management, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on Edutopia
Engaging Brains: How to Enhance Learning by Teaching Kids about Neuroplasticity, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on Edutopia
Move Your Body, Grow Your Brain, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on Edutopia
Brain Movies: When Readers Picture It, They Understand It, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on Edutopia
5 Strategies for Teaching Students To Use Metacognition, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on TeachThought
The Forgotten Secret to Leadership Success, blog post by Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers on WeAreTeachers.com
Texts Used in Dr. Wilson’s Keynotes/Workshops

Developing Growth Mindsets
Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers share strategies and techniques for developing a growth mindset, the belief that individuals can improve their knowledge and skills through the use of learning strategies and with guidance and support from teachers, coaches, and mentors. … READ MORE

Five Big Ideas for Effective Teaching, 2nd Edition
The second edition of this seminal text is designed to empower educators with an innovative and inspiring conceptual framework for effective teaching. This bestseller is grounded in the synergy of five big ideas for connecting mind, brain, and education research to classroom practice: neuroplasticity, potential, malleable intelligence, the Body-Brain System, and metacognition. … READ MORE

Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains
This book, published in conjunction with ASCD, empowers teachers with a practical and motivational approach toward metacognition that will help all students become better learners… READ MORE

Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains (Video Companion)
A brand-new five-episode video series featuring Drs. Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers will soon be available from ASCD as a companion to the book, Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains… READ MORE
Learn more at ASCD

Smarter Teacher Leadership
This pioneering book shares a fresh vision for school leadership that connects current knowledge from mind, brain, and adult learning research to the process of teacher development and leadership. The authors provide clear steps to enable and inspire teachers to embrace leadership and collaboration opportunities for improving instruction and student outcomes, and increasing professional satisfaction…
Buy the book at Amazon.com

Positively Smarter
Positively Smarter brings together seven principles for connecting the science of neuroplasticity to practical strategies for enhancing the synergy of happiness, achievement, and physical well-being. Moving beyond common myths…
Buy the book at Amazon.com

Flourishing in the First Five Years
This book for early childhood educators, caregivers, and parents of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers explores how exciting and practical findings from mind, brain, and education research can be applied to help every child flourish in his or her early years and be ready to thrive on the first day of school—and every day thereafter…
Buy the book at Amazon.com